Learn Chikashshanompa

KaSapa Cafa

Kashapa Chaffa

Section One

Welcome! This is your first step towards learning Chikashshanompa.

If you have never read or heard the language before (or if you need a refresher), you can first check out Chikashshanompa Ola to see the the Chickasaw alphabet, as well as the uniskript symbols for the phonetic sounds.

As well, Apisali anowa Asilha has some basic phrases and questions that are useful, particularly when learning or practicing with someone else.

All set? Iliya! Let's go!

Design graphic of two pairs of women. The first pair of women are saying 'Chokma!' and 'Hallito.' The second pair of women are waving and saying 'Chinittakat chinchokma'shki!' and 'Anowa chipisalacho.'

To greet someone To say goodbye

Hi / Hello

Hi / Hello

See you later

Anowa chipisalacho
Until I see you again

I have to go

Chinittakat chinchokma'shki
Have a nice day

To ask someone's name To respond

Nanta chilholhchifo?
What is your name?

Saholhchifoat ...
My name is ...

[[Nanta holhchifo?]]
What is their name?

[[Holchifoat ...]]
Their name is ...


Read the options and match the phrases on the left to their logical counterpart(s) on the right!

  1. Chokma.
  2. Ayalima'kila.
  3. Nanta chilholhchifo?
  4. Anowa chipisalacho.
  5. Nanta holhchifo?
  1. Chinittakat chinchokma'shki.
  2. Holchifoat George.
  3. Ii, chipisalacho.
  4. Hallito.
  5. Saholhchifoat Juanita.
Click for answers 1 + D
2 + A, C
3 + E
4 + C, A
5 + B


Listen to the audio and write down the conversation.


What do you think these people are saying? Write a short conversation for each situation.

Two labeled photographs. The photo labeled 1. is of four people facing each other. They are smiling and two are shaking hands. The photo labeled 2. is of three people. Two people are facing a third, and they are all smiling and waving. The third person is holding a map and leaning away from the other two.


Practice aloud saying hello and exchanging names with others. You can practice with other people, your pets, or anything else.

— Chokma. Saholhchifoat Lauren. Nanta chiholhchifo?
— Hallito. Saholchifoat Mike.


How are you?

Design graphic of four people. Each person has a speech bubble. From right to left, the people are saying 'Chinchokma?' 'Ii, ashnaako?' 'Anchokmakaayni!' and 'Anchokma.'

To ask how someone is To respond

How are you? / Are you good?

And you?

Ii, ishnoako?
Yes, and you?

I'm good

Anchokma ki'yo
I'm bad

I'm feeling better


Daisy is introducing herself to a new co-worker, Jacob. Complete Jacob's side of the conversation.

Daisy Chokma.
Jacob 1 
Daisy Nanta chiholhchifo?
Jacob 2 
Daisy Daisy. Chinchokma?
Jacob 3 
Daisy Anchokma! Chipisalacho.
Jacob 4 


Look at the pictures and say how each person would answer the question Chinchokma?

Three labeled photographs. Above them is the title 'Chinchokma?' The photo labeled 1. is of a woman leaning back  in bed with a mug of tea, wiping her nose with a tissue and squinting. The photo labeled 2. is of a woman sitting up with a glass of water. She is smiling and stretching. The photo labeled 3. is of a man sitting outside. He is meditating with his eyes closed.


On your way home, you run into your friend Alice, who just recovered from a cold. Later, you run into your neighbor, Peter. Write two conversations where you greet each person, ask how they are, and say goodbye.




Here is an audio of the numbers from the CD accompanying the book Introduction to Chickasaw from 1993. The speakers are Yvonne Alberson, Jerry Imotichey, and Carlin Thompson.

There is no word for the number zero. Instead, you can use the word for 'none' which is iksho.

1 chaffa
2 toklo
3 tuchina
4 oshta
5 tulhapi
6 hunali
7 ontoklo
8 otuchina
9 chukali
10 pokoli
11 awa chaffa
12 awa toklo
13 awa tuchina
14 awa oshta
15 awa tulhapi
16 awa hunali
17 awa ontoklo
18 awa otuchina
19 awa chukali
20 pokoli toklo
30 pokoli tuchina
40 pokoli oshta
50 pokoli tulhapi
60 pokoli hunali
70 pokoli ontoklo
80 pokoli otuchina
90 pokoli chukali
100 tahlipi' chaffa
1000 tahlipi' sipokni' chaffa


Choose the number that comes next in the sequence.

  1. awa chaffa, awa toklo, awa tuchina, ...
  2. tulhapi, pokoli, awa tulhapi, ...
  3. pokoli toklo tulhapi, pokoli tulhapi, pokoli ontoklo tulhapi, ...
  4. pokoli oshta, pokoli tuchina, pokoli toklo, ...
  5. toklo, oshta, hunali, ...
  1. tahlipi' chaffa
  2. pokoli
  3. awa oshta
  4. otuchina
  5. pokoli toklo
Click for answers 1 + C
2 + E
3 + A
4 + B
5 + D


David is calling out the winning numbers of the powwow raffle. Write down the winning numbers as they're called out.


Read the (made up) phone numbers aloud. You can also try saying your own phone number. Practice with other numbers in your life - your zip code or address, timers you set, even how many minutes are left in a TV episode!

  • 918-631-9521
  • 405-552-7193
  • 572-093-4116
  • 539-871-8665
  • 580-755-2001

Asilha Anowa

More Questions

To learn more about someone To respond

Afammi kattohmi chimayya'sha?
How old are you?

Afammi kattohmi ----?
How old are they?

I am ...

They are ...

Katiyakta ishaamintitaa?
Where are you from?

Aamintili ...
I am from ...

Anchokka-chaffaat ...-ako aaminti
My family is from ...

Hattak api'ma' chiya?
Are you Indian?

Chikashsha saya
I am Chickasaw

Chinchokka-chaffat nanta holhchifo?
What is your family name?

[[Anchokka-chaffaat ... holhchifo]]
My family name is ...

Chikashshanompa' ishanompolitaa?
Do you speak Chickasaw?

Chikashshanompa' anompolili chokma ki'yo
I do not speak Chickasaw very well

Chikashshanompa' ishanompoli chokma
You speak Chickasaw very well

Chikashshanompa' anompolili chokma
I speak Chickasaw very well

some exercises